"Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you."
Jeremiah 29:12
Dear Intercessors,
Prayer is not a secondary activity, but the primary one. In prayer we encounter Jesus who hears our prayers. As Christians around the world face continuing hardship and persecution, they rely on our prayers to sustain them and encourage their steadfastness. Also through prayer we align our hearts with God's heart for those who have yet to be reached with the Gospel.
Thank you for continuing to pray with us for our global partnerships and the world.
World Mission Committee
Diocese from Bishop Reed:
As we begin to explore what it means to grow in our disciple-
making and using Discovery Bible Study in our communities,
we are seeking God's direction, protection, and strength.
Please become a part of seeking a movement in the Diocese
of Fort Worth by joining together in prayer.
We will gather via zoom monthly on the second Thursday
at 7 p.m. to pray for God to bring forth a disciple-making
movement in the Diocese of Fort Worth.
Zoom - Meeting ID: 810 4712 2269
Passcode 784366
October 13
November 10
December 8
Malawi from Bishop Fanuel:
- At least 30 were confirmed at Likumbi in the parish of St Mary’s Mgoza. This village is in one of the remotest parts of the diocese of N. Malawi. We praise God for the wonderful things that He is doing there. Please pray for all the newly confirmed, that they may grow in their knowledge and love of the Lord.
- A new priest home is being built in the rural parish of Kanjuchi in Mzimba.
We thank God for St LawrenceChurch for partnering with us to see to it that this project comes to fruition. This parish is in one of the ends of the earth of our diocese. With thanksgiving, please pray for this project to be completed by early 2023 and that it will change our times for this rural parish to have a home like those in towns.
- We continue to pray for the radio station to be a tool for evangelization beyond the confine of denomination as we are reaching out to more than Anglican members.
La Gran Familia (LGF) from Barbara Hautanen:
- Twin girls, Melani and Divany and their sister, Fanny were just taken back to live with their grandmother in Creel after living at LGF for a few months. Pray that this will be a safe and stable environment for them. Pray that they adjust to their new living arrangements and make new friends in their new school. Click Here for More
- The LGF Boy’s house was bought over twenty years ago; nevertheless, the title to the property has never been obtained! Please pray that the 7 adult children of the now deceased previous owners will sign the Title Transfer so that LGF will not ever have ownership challenges! Pray for God’s provision for legal assistance for this issue.
- Prayers of thanksgiving that all the children and youth of the LGF family are well and ready to start school, be it PreK through High School or new college students starting their 1st year. Thank the Lord that He has given them this wonderful opportunity of living at LGF that provides a loving, Christian environment.
Myanmar from Bishop David Nyi Nyi Naing in Diocese of Mandalay:
- The severe persecution continues in Myanmar. The Christians are the target of much of the violence and persecution. Homes are burned daily. Pray for Peace! Continue to pray for protection and strength for Archbishop Stephen and the Church.
- Myanmar is in its 4th wave of Covid and the vaccine has not yet been given to the general population. Pray for the government to release the vaccines to the people and pray for continued strength and health for Bishop David.
Church in Democratic Republic of the Congo:
- The Anglican Peace Center in the Congo continues to respond to the needs of the people in and around Bunia where rebels burn villages and kill people along the road. Father Bisoke Balikenga and his staff are ministering to internally displaced people (IDPs) through trauma care and teaching practical skills like sewing. Pray for the safety of the Peace Center. Pray for the God of peace to continue to equip them with every good to continue to minister to the people. May they be sustained by our prayers as they continue to bring the love of God into this very hard situation.
Church in Pakistan:
- UNICEF reports, “Torrential monsoon rains have triggered the most severe flooding in Pakistan’s recent history, washing away villages and leaving more than three million children in need of humanitarian assistance and at increased risk of waterborne diseases, drowning and malnutrition.” Pray for strength and provision for the Church in Pakistan as they minister to the people. May they be sustained by our prayers. Click Here for More
- We praise God for the completion of the roof on the Office Building investment project in the Diocese of N. Malawi.
- We offer thanksgiving that 35 adults and 15 children representing 7 churches in our diocese are attending the New Wineskins Conference next week.
Please consider joining this opportunity for prayer with others as we intercede for the nations. All are welcome.
Click anywhere on the photo below to email us for the zoom link.