“Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them, for such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14
It’s about God’s children! La Gran Familia is an orphanage ministering to abandoned and impoverished children who have been living in the hills and on the streets of Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, Mexico, located southwest of Chihuahua City. These children, only boys at first, lived in desperate and deplorable conditions. Many had been “thrown away”, most had no hope.
Now they are healthy, thriving boys and girls who have a lovely home and a family who loves and supports one another. It was started in 1998 and operated by Fr. Greg David Spinks until his untimely death on October 7, 2001.
Most of the children that are now at LGF are of Tarahumara descent. They speak Tarahumara. When they come to live at LGF they learn Spanish. Tarahumara is not a written language. Because of this, they do not know how to read. Living at LGF they have access to tutors who teach them how to read Spanish so that they can start school.

Fr. Greg’s legacy of faith and love has been carried on since his death by loving, faithful servants who work with and care for the children day in and day out.
The women of the Diocese of Ft. Worth were very responsive to these children’s needs. Through the grace of God, they raised $36,000 for the purchase of a home for the boys in May of 2001. This home housed 20 boys. Soon after, the girls moved into a home just 3 empty lots over from the boys’ house. This home housed 9 girls.

Over the years, the 3 lots between the houses have been purchased. More recently a beautiful building was built on the lots. It was finished in August of 2014. This building has space for 20 more children, a library, a computer room, a game room, office space, and an apartment for a dorm mom and dad. Needless to say, additional staff has been added!

The Holy Spirit is always present there. Please pray for the Director, Martin Cordova, his staff, and the Mexican Board of Directors. God has sent each one of them to La Gran Familia to do His work. Of course, pray for the children that they may grow in their faith to love and serve the Lord.