St. Mark’s Parish | Arlington, TX

Sept. 27 – 28, 2024

A Word from the Bishops about this Event!

“Something like one in seven Christians live under the threat of active persecution; nearly 300 million men, women, and children. It is essential that the rest of the Church find ways to connect to, pray for, and partner with the persecuted Church. Please consider attending the Anglican Persecuted Church Network conference. I have no doubt all of our eyes will be opened.”

The Rt Rev Ryan S Reed

The Diocese of Fort Worth

“The Bible tells us that the Lord surely sees the affliction of his people, hears their cries, and knows their sufferings (Exodus 3:7). But does the Church see, hear, and know the plight of our suffering brothers and sisters? Come and be equipped at the upcoming Anglican Persecuted Church Network conference, that we may stand alongside, and partner with, the suffering Church, and in so doing find our Lord Jesus there.”

The Rt Rev Paul Donison

Vicar General, ADOTS Texas Deanery General Secretary, GAFCON

“Of the eight beatitudes taught by Jesus Christ, only the persecuted receive a double blessing. Twice Jesus says of this beatitude, “Blessed are” (Matthew 5:10-11). There is a special opportunity to find out about how to extend our helping hands and prayers to the many persecuted Christians around the world. It will be at the upcoming conference sponsored by the Anglican Persecuted Church Network at St. Marks Church in Arlington, Texas. Please come. If Jesus so favors those who suffer from persecution, how important is it for us to support them?”

The Rt. Rev. Ray Sutton

Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC) and the Ordinary of the Diocese of Mid America

Malawi Summer Mission Opportunity


Jesus said, “What do you have? Bring it to me!” John 6:1-14

Share your “lunch” to feed children in Malawi.


in partnership with


$10 provides a child’s daily porridge for a year.
Any amount gratefully accepted.

To Donate:

Make checks payable to:
True Awakening
3226 Catamore Lane
Dallas, TX 75229

Zelle to

Visit True Awakening website:
and use the donate button to link to PayPal.


Bishop Fanuel Magangani, in partnership with TRUE AWAKENING, feeds children at four schools in the Diocese of Northern Malawi (DNM). These village schools have between 600-700 students enrolled in grades 1-8. Many of the students live in homes without electricity and many walk long distances to school. Along with the standard curriculum, the schools teach Bible stories to the students from all backgrounds – all denominations, Muslim, atheist, etc.

Through this feeding program the children are fed a nutritious porridge each day. The goal is to keep students attending school through 8th grade by helping with their hunger. The MY LUNCH PROGRAM will help the DNM continue to feed the students. Education is the path out of poverty and food is the key to increasing education. MY LUNCH PROGRAM provides opportunities for our churches to come alongside the Church in Malawi as they work to reduce poverty and improve levels of education.

Malawi is the eighth poorest country in the world and the Diocese of Northern Malawi is in the most rural part of the country. Visitors are often greeted in the villages with singing and dancing! What a blessing it is to be in relationship with the church there. For more information on the Diocese of Northern Malawi and our companion relationship, churches might enjoy our video, “Malawi Then and Now”. Click Here for the Video.


The Rt. Rev. Ryan S. Reed, D.D., Bishop of Fort Worth

Bishop Ry;an Reed

Participating in Global Mission on any level transforms our perspective of God and His plan for the nations. Seeing God at work in the world inspires and reminds us of our purpose and role in both the Great Commission and the Great Commandment given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ.

The World Mission Committee is appointed to provide resources to the congregations of the Diocese so that each church can receive the blessings participation in mission can bring.

The goal has always been for every church in the Diocese to participate in Global Mission in some way. Participation can be through prayer, financial support, or sending and receiving missionaries.

As a Diocese, we continue to focus on strategic partnerships and relationships in order to provide congregations with opportunities for engagement.

The Diocese seeks to support its neighbors in Mexico, its friends in Malawi; and now it is reaching towards countries where Christianity is a small minority, by beginning to partner in prayer with the Diocese of Mandalay in Myanmar.

I encourage every congregation to find ways to participate. Look through the pages of this Web site to see what God has already done and see where he may be calling you to join him.

World Missions Committee
Diocesan Report, 2023

The World Missions Committee (WMC) strives to be a catalyst for churches of the Diocese to take an active part in the spread of the Gospel across the barriers of language, distance, and culture. Our goal is to facilitate our Companion Diocese relationships with Northern Malawi, Northern Mexico, and the Myanmar Diocese of Mandalay, as charged by our diocese at Convention. Furthermore, our purpose is to help facilitate mission education and training for individuals and churches in their response to the Great Commission.

The past two years have been a struggle to adapt to the changes brought on by the COVID Pandemic. However, we are beginning to adjust and have begun a time of vision building. Our desire to continue to strengthen our commitments to La Gran Familia, The Diocese of Northern Malawi, and the Diocese of Mandalay form a significant part of that vision.

The committee has also been working on how to support our congregations’ knowledge of mission activities and mission work to encourage prayer support for our people. Included in this task is the regular e-blast calling the diocese to prayer. If you are not part of this e-blast feed and desire to be included, please contact Lollie Twyman at The diocesan office has also begun to use the Global South Prayer Cycle to include in our daily prayers the dioceses and provinces that are a part of the Global South Partnership.

Respectively Submitted,

The Rev. Canon John T. Cruikshank, ASSP, SSC
World Missions Committee Chair

Members of the Committee:
Angela Fraser
Barbara Hautanen
Becky Powell
Bob Priest
Cynthia Pigeon
The Rev. Deacon Mike Williams
The Very Rev. Alan Horton
The Rev. Andrew Powell
The Rev. John Kalimi
Glen Petta
Judy Mayo
Lollie Twyman
Theodore Gray
Wanice Brown