The World Mission Committee has been publishing this prayer update for three years! What a blessing it has been to intercede together for our global partners and for God's world.
We have decided to make a few changes in our format which we hope will strengthen our time together. Our monthly focus will be on one global partner at a time. And we hope to have opportunities to hear from you or to answer any questions you might have.
Thank you so much for praying with us and sharing these prayer requests with others.
Blessings, |
World Mission Committee
We rejoice with Bishop Fanuel alongside the Sisters of St. Mary, a sisterhood of 10 nuns in his diocese, upon the groundbreaking ceremony for a new convent in Luwinga. The new convent will have the potential to house 30 sisters in a three-story dormitory, and include offices, workspaces, and a chapel capable of accommodating 100 guests.
The Sisters of St. Mary support the Church by providing vestments, uniforms, and other clothing, and holding Altar Guild workshops for the women of the diocese. They also have started an orphan's choir and a preschool. They teach scripture and prayer to children, and provide food for their orphan's feeding ministry (as well as for themselves and guests) from their nine-acre farm.
The Reverend Mother Superior Miriam writes, “They are building a Christian community center in the heart of poverty-stricken Malawi, providing a model of prayer, Christian community-building, and sound management of natural resources. All their efforts for the orphans surrounding them have grown beyond all expectations and resources."
Click Here for More.
With Thanksgiving, please join us in prayer for the Sisters as they continue to answer God's call to devote themselves to prayer, work, and study. May God provide the resources necessary to build this convent and to continue the work God has given the Sisters to do. May the Holy Spirit inspire those who have the ability to help in this work of the kingdom.
Architectural Rendering of New St. Mary Convent
Church in Sudan:
- The conflict in Sudan between two previously allied factions continues and the Christians have been either targeted or caught in the crossfire. Anglican Archbishop Ezekiel Kondo reports that the cathedral in Khartoum was raided “and their cars destroyed using firearms.” Other reports indicate the cathedral has been seized and used as a military base. An estimated 1.6 million people have been forced to flee their homes. Continue to pray for the protection of the Church of Sudan as it responds to the great needs of the people. Pray that the Lord will work all things for His purposes. Click Here for More.
Church in the Democratic Republic of the Congo:
- The Rev. Bisoke Balikenga, a recent guest of our diocese, shared with us the desperate situation near the Peace Center in Bunia where rebels destroy villages, kidnap women and kill people. He reported that more than 40 people were killed this week in a place called Bule, 34 miles north of the Peace Center. More are still in the bush with bad injuries. CODECO (Cooperative for the Development of the Congo - a militia group) claims responsibility. Pray for the physical and spiritual needs of Church in Bunia as they seek to provide care and trauma healing to those affected. Pray for the militia group that they will come to know Jesus. Come Prince of Peace and reign!
- Pray that they will experience God’s comfort when their family members are killed, injured or imprisoned for their witness (2 Cor. 1:3-5).
- Pray for their boldness to make Christ known (Phil. 1:14).
- Pray that their ministry activities will remain undetected by authorities or others who wish to silence them (Acts 9:25).
- Pray that they will rejoice in their suffering (Acts 5:41).
- Pray that they will be refreshed through God’s Word and grow in their faith (Eph. 6:17).
For more ways to pray and for a downloadable Poster or Pew Insert for your church Click Here
- We offer thanksgiving for the wonderful St Michael's Conference at Camp Crucis last week where many youth were formed in the fullness of faith. May they continue to grow in their knowledge and love of the Lord.
- We offer thanks for the great fellowship and fun at the Bishop Iker's Golf Challenge this month. More than 200 golfers participated in this annual fund raiser for Camp Crucis.
Often when we pray for God's world, we are blessed with a particular scripture or word. Sometimes the Lord gives us images. I often have an image of the silhouette of two friends standing in the evening on the side of a mountain. It reminds me of God and Abraham as they discuss Sodom and Gomorrah. Often when I'm busy with all the activities of life, I get this invitation to "stop and stand with me".
We would love for you to share ways God has moved for you as you have prayed. You may email us at
Please consider joining this opportunity for prayer with others as we intercede for the nations. All are welcome.
Click anywhere on the photo below to email us for the zoom link.