Dear Intercessors,
Thank you so much for continuing to join us in prayer.
As a way of encouragement in our role as intercessors, let us remember that Jesus sits at the right hand of God interceding for us. As our great High Priest, Jesus “goes between” our world and God. He intercedes, but so do we. Our intercession creates a “meeting” where we join Jesus to meet with God and face the powers of darkness.
Thank you for your steadfastness in prayer for our Global Partners, the Persecuted Church, and the Nations.
World Mission Committee
Malawi from Bishop Fanuel:
- In our prayers we give thanks to God that our radio station passed the test by the regulatory authority. They just indicated some areas that need attention before their second visit in 90 day’s time. Pray with us that we can complete all the needed adjustments.
- SAMS missionary, Father Bob Gresser and Canon John Boonzaaijer, President of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Episcopal Church will be visiting Malawi this month to firm up plans for Father Gresser and his family to return to Malawi as missionaries. Pray for their time in the Diocese of N. Malawi, as well as, their time at the Leonard Kamungu Theological College in Zomba where the Gressers will be serving. Pray for safety in their travel.
La Gran Familia (LGF) from Barbara Hautanen:
- Three sisters, Melany, Fanny and Divany were brought to LGF by their grandmother after they were abandoned by their alcoholic mother. Pray for these girls and their ongoing physical and emotional healing. They are now attending school and finding they are loved by all the children and staff of LGF.
- Luisa and Lalo are the dorm parents to 40ish children at LGF. Luisa takes care of the children as a mom would … taking them to the doctor if they are sick, helping with homework, etc. Lalo is a wonderful dad who plays soccer and takes them on bike rides. Please pray all God’s blessings upon Luisa and Lalo as they serve as Jesus’ hands and feet for the children. May they be filled with wisdom, love and joy.
Myanmar from Bishop David Nyi Nyi Naing in Diocese of Mandalay:
- Foreign ministers from Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and China met in Myanmar recently to discuss their concern over the increasing civil violence since the coup in 2021. The representatives are trying to initiate talks between Myanmar's military and the National Unity Government. Pray for these negotiations and that all parties will strive to achieve political reconciliation. Pray for the Prince of Peace to reign in Myanmar. Continue to pray for Archbishop Stephen and the Church as they minister to the people. Click Here for More
- Please continue to pray for Bishop David in the Diocese of Mandalay and Bishop Alan in the newly formed Missionary Diocese of Homelni. May the Church bring comfort and peace as they respond with the Gospel during this time of great turmoil and civil unrest. May the Light of the Gospel spread throughout the country. Lord have mercy on all the innocent who are suffering.
Church in DR Congo:
- In the eastern parts of the DR Congo there is on-going conflict and violence. Many refugees are being cared for at the Peace Center in Bunia led by Anglican priest, Bisoke Balikenga and his congregation. Through a grant from New Wineskins Missionary Network, Bisoke and three of his colleagues were able to attend the Ekklesia Healing and Trauma Training in Uganda. Pray for the ministry at the Peace Center. Pray that the Lord will continue to bless their efforts to bring healing and discipleship to many in the displaced camps near the Peace Center. May the Lord save them from despair and strengthen national and international responses to this crisis.
Church in Sri Lanka:
- The crisis in Sri Lanka continues as thousands of protestors are now occupying the Presidential Palace. The protestors are demanding that the president step down and a new government be established to lead the way out of their national debt crisis. Pray for a new stable government to form quickly. Continue to pray for +Dhilo and the Church as they work towards peace amongst the tens of thousands of people who have gathered to try to take their country back. Pray for the international community to work with the new government to help them out of their extreme financial difficulties.
- We offer thanksgiving for Bishop Fanuel’s recent visit to our diocese. Bishop Fanuel writes, “I came back refreshed both my physical life and spiritual life as a person and also the deepening of our partnership as a diocese. The trip came out to be a blessed visit more than I could imagine.”
- Come together in this workshop to connect with God’s heart for the nations of the world. Learn practical strategies for implementing prayer for God’s people⎯as individuals and as prayer teams in our own communities. Speakers will inspire and instruct in this interactive session out of their rich experience and knowledge. You’ll come away with tools to engage your church family as “a house of prayer for all nations” Click Here for More
Please consider joining this opportunity for prayer with others as we intercede for the nations. All are welcome.
Click anywhere on the photo below to email us for the zoom link.