Good and Gracious Lord we come before you as a nation divided. We pray you to hear our prayer even as we cry, “Lord have mercy!”
Reader: Forgive us for any idols we have made of politics or people.
People: Lord have mercy!
Reader: Save us from all sin and any grip of the Evil One.
People: Lord have mercy!
Reader: Turn our hearts to submit fully to the Lord and kingdom of heaven.
People: Lord have mercy!
Reader: Thwart the enemy’s efforts to deepen discord and hatred in our country and cause division in our churches.
People: Lord have mercy!
Reader: Strengthen and preserve the democratic institutions of our nation and help us engage in our political process with truth and love.
People: Lord have mercy!
Reader: Guide our country in a peaceful transfer of power.
People: Lord have mercy!
Reader: Provide holy wisdom and clear direction to all church and civic leaders.
People: Lord have mercy!
Reader: Comfort those who are mourning.
People: Lord have mercy!
Reader: Restore us Good Lord and grant the gifts we need to serve you now.
People: Lord have mercy!
Reader: Pour out your peace and prophetic insight to equip us as your agents of kingdom goodness in our world.
People: Lord have mercy!
Celebrant: Heavenly Father, you promised to hear what we ask in the Name of your Son: Accept and fulfill our petitions, we pray, not as we ask in our ignorance, nor as we deserve in our sinfulness, but as you know and love us in your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.