10 Things to do and know about the
Centurion Partnership
Find out if your parish has a Centurion Partner? Talk to your Mission Committee, Vestry or Priest about making or re-making a commitment. Email your commitment to the Malawi Committee and receive information about your Centurion partner.
Begin to pray for your Centurion partner daily
Add your Centurion partner’s name to your prayers of the people
Create a bulletin board or informational poster board with your Centurion partner’s picture and other information about Northern Malawi.
Invite a member of the Malawi Committee to come and speak to your parish about the program and partnership. See below.
Organize an annual, quarterly or monthly event to secure the participation amount of $200.00 per month.
*your churches donation of $200.00 per month is combined with other churches and goes toward the stipends for all the clergy of the Diocese of Northern Malawi.
Connect with your Centurion partner on Facebook. See below.
Bookmark www.fwworldmission.net and the Diocese of Northern Malawi website: www.nmalawianglican.org. Visit them often!
Remember, the program is not designed for parishes to provide significant personal gifts to their Centurion partner. If you would like to do more, sometimes an appropriate gift for your Centurion partner might be to purchase vestments for them through the Sisters of St. Mary in Malawi. Other items necessary for their ministry might include a chalice and paten. The committee can help you with appropriate suggestions.
Contact the World Missions Committee for more information about other projects they may be working on with the Diocese of Northern Malawi.
Email Angela Fraser at angela@angelafraser.com